I have entered the tigerprint competition for a contemporary handbag notebook with this simple, yet elegant design:
The design was all completed in Photoshop but I have finally given in and bought Adobe Illustrator so, we are officially on 'beans on toast' until the next pay day. I am quite excited as I now feel like I have all the tools that I need to complete my portfolio so, I will be spending a lot of time to learn Illustrator and to get these designs out of my head and onto the computer.
I have also been reading the book 'Feel the fear and do it anyway', which is a self-help book recommended by my Hubby and so far, I am really enjoying it. Whenever something really stands out to me, I have been writing it in big letters on coloured paper, which is stuck all over my studio. Something that has really made sense to me is "People who refuse to take risks live with a feeling of dread that is far more severe than what they would feel if they took the risks necessary to make them less helpless - only they don't know it!" If you have followed my blog for a little while you will know how my day job has emotionally affected me and filled me with dread and fear. It sounds easy to say 'just quit' but it is not that easy when the job pays quite well. I have come to realize that this was the only thing holding me to a job that I hate and that this was not the life I wanted. I know that I am a very resourceful, hard-working person who can make a success of most things. I don't say this to sound arrogant but to say that I believe if you have enough passion and self-belief that you can do anything you set your mind to. If I can make a success of a job that I hate, surely I could make a success of something that I absolutely love?!
I have set myself specific, measurable and achievable goals with deadlines to ensure that I learn Illustrator, finish my portfolio and start my freelance career, which will involve giving up my day job. I don't just want to talk about it anymore, it is time to take some action so, please excuse me if I make myself scarce but I will continue to pop in with progress or to think things through.