Good morning everybody!
Just wanted to take a moment to wish you all a good weekend, I know that I have certainly looked forward to it this week.
Hubby has finally finished his book and so, I will be proof reading this weekend. Apart from that, I am still working my way around Illustrator, getting more comfortable with it and definitely feel convinced that it has the features that I have missed in Photoshop. They work really well together though for textile design so, that's where my pennies will be going this month. I also want to work on some sewing projects and I think that's where my to-do list has to end.
By the way, don't let these photos deceive you. They were taken during Summer this year. Looking outside my window this morning, we have clouds, rain and gale force winds, which doesn't make for a good photo and today, I'm in the mood for some colour.
Hope you have a good weekend.