I drove past an empty building the other day where the windows have been boarded up. Posters have been pasted over the boards that cover the windows. It is such an eye sore in a neighborhood but, then I had to take another look. Someone has seen the potential for beauty in the ugly and painstakingly created these images that stir emotion as you look at each of them.
They say that 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder' and I'm sure that someone would see this as vandalism but, I admire the creativity of this street artist.
It was a powerful reminder to me to always try and see the beauty or the positive in life, no matter how difficult or negative something seems.
I am a great believer in 'counting your blessings' and finding something to be grateful for and that has carried me through many difficult situations. Thank you so much for the kind words regarding my earlier post to all who has supported and loved us.
Happy weekend everyone!