We knew early on in this pregnancy that we wanted to find out if it was a boy or a girl when the opportunity presented itself. So, we've been eagerly counting off the weeks, days and hours until our 20 week scan which was yesterday. So, we were very disappointed when they first informed us that baby was showing them a lovely backside and keeping the legs crossed and they were therefore not prepared to guess what we were having.
We went home feeling so disappointed but, when I have something in my head, I get a certain amount of determination that drives me. We got straight on the computer and found a place not too far from here that offered private scans (at a price). A few phone calls later and we got an appointment within the hour to have another scan. Of course I was drinking fruit juice, doing star jumps and hip swings that my Hubby has probably never seen before. This baby was going to MOVE as I was one determined mummy.
Well, we were so glad that we went for this second ultra sound. It was so lovely and personal to have the time to look at baby, seeing the little hands and feet and the cutest little button nose that I have ever seen. There was no frustrated hospital staff wanting to take measurements and move onto the next patient. It was our time with our precious baby. Hubby stood next to me and he was beaming with pride and joy.
And, did we get an answer?
Yes, we are having a baby girl!!! We are so thrilled and delighted. We would've been happy with either, but for some reason we were really hoping that this one would be a girl. As we are moving the end of October, I will have to restrain myself from shopping too much just yet, but I can start to plan and I can't wait to sew a few items for this little one.
Thank you for your patience while I have been so quiet on here. I am really hoping to be a bit more frequent, especially once we have moved.