This week I have really felt like I was trying to swim in a stormy sea.
The waves looked big and it all felt so hopeless.
Today in particular filled me with so much dread because I knew that I had to face something that scared me so much. I got through it but it made me re-evaluate my goals and where I see myself and how I am working to get myself there and out of a *job, which quite frankly, I find abusive. I have to do this for myself because I have to be true to myself. Life is too short to feel like this about a job, right? This is not easy but I wanted to keep it real. I am so incredibly thankful for every day that I have with my biggest support.
*Edit: I wanted to just clarify that I am talking about my day job, which is not design related in any way.
You are my love, hope and peace. My light tower on a distant hill.
Beautifully written Rosylady I'll bet he's a wonderful guy...thanks for your support on my blog right now in times of uncertainty gratitude for both our lives is the main ingredient...
Posted by: Jennifer Paganelli | 23 September 2009 at 06:23 PM